Today was a day that was way more than just shadisfactory! On a crisp Friday morning, 60 MacShads get up for our 7AM workout. Some went to the brand new, state of the art pulse gym, some went to play soccer, and the rest, including I, went on a special fitness challenge! The key is starting small, then gradually building from there. I felt fresh and energized, ready to start my jam-packed, eye-opening day at Shad!
We then had breakfast followed by not one, not two, but THREE inspiring, mind-opening lectures! First, we had Dr. Gianni Parise, Faculty of Medicine at McMaster University talk about medicine. He did it in a really neat way, by showing us a tv episode and explaining the medical perspective - it was really cool!
We next had a math lecture from Dr. Miroslav Lovrick that transported us to the fourth dimension and beyond! Our next guests were Barry Bisson, president of Shad Valley International and Lucas Skoczkowski, CEO of Redknee. They both came full of wonderful inspirational words of encouragement.
Following lunch, we met in our project groups to discuss the RBC cup. We had help from Dr. Marvin Ryder, faculty of Business, who liked two of our original ideas, but after much research, we realized that they were not feasible. We then came up with an idea that everybody liked, and that brought our various areas of interest and expertise together.
Later, we had a relaxing yoga class that calmed us down after this hectic day! After yoga, we had dinner, followed by CASINO NIGHT! We redeemed our “bean” chips for raffle tickets to win a whole slew of prizes while sipping (virgin) cocktails with special Shad names. This was definitely a night to remember!
All in all, I thoroughly enjoyed another great day at Shad Valley!
Alexandra Markus
Shad Valley McMaster
Hometown: Hampstead, Québec