A fun rendition of a day at Shad...
To the Shad Headquarter. Stop. Report on the secret activity of Shad Dalhousie in Halifax. Stop. 50 Shads present. Stop. Target date: July 5th 2008. Stop.
Breakfast in Howe Hall residence until 9 o’clock. Stop. Morning lecture given by Jeremy, a Shad staff. Stop. Topic: perception. Stop. Duration: 1h30. Stop. Lecture focuses on how we have different perceptions of things and how there is no right or wrong, only multiple approaches. Break. Stop. Lecture by Michael Smit, a Shad staff, on computer science. Stop. Explore the advancement of computer science through science fiction. Stop.
House time at 11h. Stop. Shads group together in teams of 10, called “House”. Stop. Each team has to complete a project by the end of Shad. Stop. Project theme this year: Design with Conscience. Stop. Teams discuss to come up with a prototype to solve a social problem. Stop. Lunch at 12h. Stop.
Surprise event discovered. Stop. Trip to Clam Beach. Stop. A beautiful sand beach. Stop. Weather is sunny and warm. Stop. Shads’ activities include swimming and hitting the waves, sleeping in the sun, beach volleyball, running along the shore, building a gigantic sandcastle with “SHAD” written on it and taking 10 million pictures. Stop. Shads enjoyed themselves extremely. Stop. Barbecue at 5h. Stop.
Shad Event at 10h planned by the Banquet committee. Stop. Movie night with popcorn, cookies, cakes and hot chocolate. Stop. Watched “National Treasure II: the Book of Secrets”. Stop.
Report finished. Stop. Shad Valley seems to be a very entertaining and enriching program. Stop. Ran out of ink. Stop.
Agent 50328568482776
a.k.a Xing Li
Xing Li
Shad Valley Dalhousie
Hometown: Saint-Laurent, Québec