How many Shads does it take to compress 27 days of fun into a blog?
So far, nine.
A typical day at Shad varies directly with daily activities. Thus, the proportionality constant is the amount of fun one has that day.
The day begins with Sh-athletes who enjoy an early morning run while other sports enthusiasts recruit players for their respective exercises.
Lectures in the morning span two rather didactic hours in which our highly esteemed faculty and program assistants deliver stimulating lectures encompassing the broad scopes of entrepreneurship, science, and technology.
After lunch, Shads select from a plethora of choices of workshops in which to participate. These multi-faceted seminars can range from social skills to extreme sports. Later on in the day, Shads can be observed partaking in a variety of recreational activities, including organized sports, exercises, and other types of workouts.
After a filling dinner, Shads have time to work on their numerous projects. After a series of painfully long meetings, there is finally time for Shads to do as they please. Unfortunately, by the time that this uncommon phenomenon called “free time” occurs, it is already past midnight, and snores have intermittently claimed the vast majority of the residence. As for the few adamant stragglers determined not to wake up on time the next morning, sleep is imminent.
Andy Chau
Shad Valley Queen's
Hometown: Burnaby, British Columbia

Back row, from left to right: Julia Wall, Homan Mohammadi, Michael Xu, Rui Fu, Andy Chau, Sunny Dulay, Georgina Neatby, Lyne Lin
Front row, from left to right: Natasha Somani, Jacqueline Soong, Sonya Wadhera, Chieun Ahn