Thursday, July 10, 2008

July 6, 2008

Hey Everyone!
I’d like to start by saying how amazing 'MacShad' has been so far. I’ve made countless new friends and I’ve had so many fun experiences, all in just a week. Today, Sunday, all of us Shads were allowed to sleep as late as noon, a great way to catch up on sleep! We ate delicious breakfast in the lobby while chatting with other Shads – the main topic of discussion being the camping trip that we are going on this afternoon.
We are going to a camping site which is a few hours from campus, and we’re expected to return on Tuesday. I am SO excited for the trip – from hiking, to roasting marshmallows and telling fun ghost stories, I already know that it’s going to be an unforgettable trip. Anyways, I better get packing!

Sophia Dhalla
Shad Valley McMaster
Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario